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Greater Vancouver Chess Tournament 7 (CFC rated)





​Live Games

Event Timing:  January 11th and 12th, 2025 (5 rounds)
          Round 1: Saturday, January 11th at 10 am G/50+10
          Round 2: Saturday, January 11th at 1 pm G/50+10
          Round 3: Saturday, January 11th at 4 pm G/50+10
          Round 4: Sunday, January 12th at 10 am G/90+30
          Round 5: Sunday, January 12th at 3pm G/90+30

Registration Deadline: 1.00 pm January 10th 2024
Section: Premier, U1800, U1300 and U800 (all CFC rated)
Time control: Round 1, 2, 3 G50+10. Round 4, 5 G/90 + 30
Pairings: Swiss System
Event Address: Bonsor Recreation Complex Banquet Hall 6550 Bonsor Avenue, Burnaby
Entry fee: Regular $90, Early bird $80 before or on December 1st, 2024. Siblings discount: $10 for the 2nd/3rd one. PCC current students $10 discount
Prizes: Guaranteed by section. If there are more than 50 players register in one section, we might divide that section into smaller sections and adjust the prizes accordingly.
      Premier Section: 1st: $1200, 2nd: $700, 3rd: $450
      U1800 Section: 1st: $700, 2nd: $350, 3rd: $250
      U1300 Section: 1st: $450, 2nd: $250, 3rd: $150
      U800 Section: 1st: $250, 2nd: $150, 3rd: $100
Trophies will be presented to the followings:
      Best U8 Boy, Best U10 Boy, Best U12 Boy,
      Best U14 Boy, Best U16 Boy, Best U8 Girl,
      Best U10 Girl, Best U12 Girl, Best U14 Girl,
      Best U16 Girl.

You may play up a section with a rating floor no more than 200 rating points above your rating. In this case you need to add a play up fee of $30, in addition to the entry fee, at checkout. Unrated players may play in either the U800, U1300 or U1800 without paying the play up fee. However, unrated players are not recommended to play in the U1800 section, unless they have other significant chess experience, such as a rating of 1800 or more on or other equivalent chess websites.

Refund Refund 100% before December 10th, 2024, 50% on or after December 10th, 2024 until January 9th, 2025. No refund on or after January 9th, 2025.
Misc: a CFC membership is required. Players must have CFC ID before the deadline of registration. If you need to create a new CFC ID, please go to and follow their instructions. All chess equipment will be provided by the organizer.

Tournament Director: Penny Pham
Organizer: Greater Vancouver Chess Society and Penny Chess Club
Transportation : By car: FREE PARKING in Bonsor Recreation Complex. By Skytrain to Metrotown station, then ~3-minute walk.
Contact us at
Payment: Online only





I.    Anti-cheating rules

We will follow anti-cheating rules guidelines by FIDE. You can find more detail in this link:


II.    Food and drinks

You are allowed to bring snacks and non-alcoholic drinks to the playing venue, for example: fruits, chocolate, soft drinks, coffee, milk.


III.    CFC membership

You are required to have a valid CFC ID for this tournament. Check the link below to register if you have not got one.


IV.    Refusal of Entry

We reserve the rights to refuse your entry to the tournament.


V.    Byes

-    If you request bye(s), please confirm with us prior to the deadline of registration.

-    Bye requests for the next round received during the tournament may only be accepted before the pairings of the next round are published, either on the internet or at the playing venue. We will not accept any bye requests received afterwards.

-    If your bye is allocated by the computer pairings (ie. not your request), you will have 1 point. 

-    If your bye is requested by you for round 1, 2 or 3, you will have 0.5 points per game

-    If your bye is requested by you for round 4 or 5 you will have 0 point.

-    You cannot request byes for more than 2 rounds.

-    Tournament Director (TD) reserves the right to refuse your bye requests


VI.    30 minutes tolerance

-    After 30 minutes since the start of any round, absent players will be considered to forfeit that game and get 0 point.

-    Players who cannot attend any round are encouraged to inform the TD or Arbiters before the start of the round. Players who are absent for 2 games without any notice to the TD or Arbiters will be removed from the tournament.

VII.    Tie-break rules

Tie-break 1: Direct encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)

Tie-break 2: Greater number of victories

Tie-break 3: Buchholz: N, N-1, N-2


VIII.    Electronic device rules

1.    All electronic devices (for example: phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches…) are not permitted to be used while players are playing except for special needs with TD’s approval. 

2.    Electronic devices that can communicate with other people or devices, or operate softwares should be kept in a bag or a case. They must be turned off completely. They must remain at the playing table if the game is in progress. 

3.    Spectators are asked to keep their phone in silent mode. 

4.    Violators can be asked to leave the room. Serious cases might lead to an anti-cheating investigation. 


IX.    Others

We follow FIDE rules of chess. If there is any argument between players, or player and arbiter, the TD will make the final decision based on FIDE guidelines. 

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